Types and kinds of protection of objects (territories, property, citizens)

Let's look at various aspects of facility security, including protection of territories, property, and citizens. Selecting the most appropriate methods and means of protection against internal and external threats is important in creating an effective security system for both the enterprise and personal safety. Understanding the various types and kinds of security is a key aspect in this process.


I will provide a detailed description of the different types and types of security that may be applicable to your situation. Regardless of whether your goal is to protect your business, property, or personal safety, it is important to understand what tools and methods are available to ensure reliable protection. Let's start by reviewing the main aspects of security and look at the different strategies that can be used to achieve this goal.


To ensure reliable protection of your business, whether it is an office, a factory, a store, a warehouse or any other facility, the key element is to create a comprehensive security system. The beginning of this process is an analysis of the current security situation at your enterprise in real time. This allows you to identify and assess the various risks and threats that may endanger your business, as well as identify areas where security requires additional efforts.

Based on the analysis carried out, it is possible to develop a security concept, which is a detailed plan of measures and methods for protecting your facility from various threats. Security of objects Kyiv. This concept must be fully integrated into the work of your enterprise, covering all its departments and sections. Typically, a comprehensive enterprise security system includes measures of material, technical, information, economic and physical protection.

The main success of this security system depends on how competently you develop the security concept, how accurately you calculate the necessary resources and means for its implementation. The more effective and efficient the security system is, the more reliably your business will be protected as a whole. A successful security system helps not only prevent threats, but also ensures the sustainability and long-term success of your enterprise.

All possible security options are based on FOUR BASIC PILLARS OF SECURITY:

  1. Physical security service.
  2. Administrative and regulatory measures.
  3. Engineering, technical and electronic protection equipment.
  4. Measures to ensure the safety of commercial secrets.

Video “What is physical security”


There is a variety of types and kinds of security. Let's consider the main categories of security that are typical for Ukraine: 

  1. Government Organizations: In Ukraine, government agencies such as the police and other law enforcement agencies are responsible for maintaining public safety and enforcing laws.
  2. Private security organizations (PSC, PSC): Private security companies in Ukraine provide security services based on the relevant license and comply with the country's legislative norms. They specialize in providing a wide range of security services.
  3. Alternative security: This category in Ukraine includes civilians such as doormen, controllers, guards, concierges, and self-protection services. They are engaged in the independent protection of their property and ensure security in the places where they operate.
  4. Combined (mixed) security: Some facilities in Ukraine may use a combination of different types of security from the above categories. This may include cooperation with state and private security organizations, as well as the involvement of civilian self-protection services to ensure comprehensive security.

The choice of a certain type of security in Ukraine depends on the specifics of the facility and compliance with the relevant legislation. Evaluation and selection of the most appropriate security method are important steps to ensure safety and compliance with the rules and regulations in force in a given country.


Given the specific conditions in Ukraine, let's look at the various types and methods of security that are available:

1. Physical security: Physical security includes the presence of trained security guards who provide immediate security for the facility. These guards maintain order, prevent incidents and respond to possible threats.

2. Technical protection: Technical protection includes the use of engineering and electronic means to ensure security. This may include video surveillance, alarm systems, access, etc.

3. Protection against disclosure of trade secrets: This category includes measures aimed at preserving confidential information and trade secrets. This may include employee training, control of access to classified information, and other measures.

4. Comprehensive Security: In some cases, a comprehensive security system that combines various types of protection may be the most effective. This may include physical security, technical protection, and other measures to ensure comprehensive security.

The choice of specific methods and means of protection depends on the needs and characteristics of the facility, as well as on the budget and legislative requirements of Ukraine. It is important to correctly assess the situation and choose the best way to ensure security that will meet all established standards and requirements.


We can distinguish different types of objects that require protection:

1. Security of fixed facilities: This includes the security of buildings, premises and property that are in a permanent location. Security guards ensure the safety of such facilities by preventing unauthorized access and possible incidents.

2. Mobile asset security: Mobile security is necessary when transporting valuable cargo or in other cases where objects are in motion. This form of protection ensures the safety of cargo and its transportation.

3. Protection of life and health of citizens: An important category is the protection of life and health of citizens. Security guards and other security services can prevent threats and ensure safe conditions for life and health of people.

4. Protecting Trade Secrets: Trade secrets are an important asset for many organizations. Protecting this information involves measures to prevent the disclosure of confidential data and company secrets.

The choice of specific methods and means of protection depends on the nature of the object and the objectives of protection. It is important to ensure the security of different types of objects, taking into account their unique features and needs.


Let's look at different ways to ensure security:

1. Fixed posts (CP): These posts can be indoor or outdoor, open to the street or closed indoors. Guards working at fixed posts provide access control and security in specific areas.

2. Mobile posts (patrol): Mobile posts patrol using foot, bicycle, motorcycle or motor vehicles. They provide surveillance and rapid response to possible threats in different areas.

3. CCTV Operators: CCTV operators work at monitoring posts and monitor what is happening using surveillance cameras. This allows for a prompt response to events and incidents.

4. Canine Service: Canine service uses guard dogs to provide security. Dogs can be trained for a variety of tasks, including search and protection.

5. Cargo escort: When transporting goods, whether by rail, road or air, escort may be required to ensure the safety of the goods and their transportation.

6. Rapid Response Team (RRT): The Rapid Response Team provides rapid response to emergencies and incidents, ensuring prompt response to threats.

7. Centralized security: Centralized security controls and coordinates security actions through a dedicated control panel. This provides centralized monitoring and response to events.

The choice of specific security methods depends on the needs and security objectives, as well as the nature of the facility or event. An effective combination of different security methods can provide reliable protection.


In Ukraine, there are a variety of physical security options that can be selected depending on specific needs and requirements:

1. "Standard Security": This category of physical security includes security guards who meet certain security standards. Security guards in this category are usually of average age and physical fitness. They may have the status of a private security guard, which may be 4, 5 or 6 category. These guards must provide a medical certificate of professional suitability. Their professional training is at an average level, and they have experience in security, usually at least 2 years. They have basic skills in the use of special equipment and communications, as well as basic skills in working with a computer and technical security equipment. The appearance of security guards in this category may include a uniform or a business suit.

2. "VIP security": This category of security is designed to ensure the safety of high-status individuals, as well as for facilities that require increased security standards. Security guards in this category are usually men between the ages of 27 and 45 with an athletic build and are tall (at least 185 cm). They may have sports ranks or experience in law enforcement or the Armed Forces. VIP security guards have above-average professional training, and they have good computer skills and technical security equipment. They also own weapons, special equipment, and may have combat experience.

3. "Economy Security": This category provides more affordable options for physical security and can be chosen for facilities that do not require high professional data of the guards. Guards can have a wider age range, and there are no strict physical requirements for them. They usually have experience in security, although this is not necessary. This category of guards usually does not use weapons and special equipment.

4. "Personal Security": Professional bodyguards provide the highest level of security. Security guards in this category can be both men and women under 40 years of age. Security company Kyiv SC They must have a normal physique and be tall. Personal security guards usually have sports ranks, experience of service in special forces and experience of combat operations in hot spots. They have a high level of moral and ethical qualities and professional training, as well as confident computer skills and technical security equipment. They also have experience in extreme car driving and are professionally proficient in all types of weapons and special equipment, as well as martial arts of self-defense.

The choice of a specific category of physical security depends on the needs and requirements of the client, as well as the goals and nature of the security facility. This allows for the highest level of security and meets individual requirements.


Let's look at the security operating modes used in Ukraine:

1. Continuous round-the-clock posts (24 hours): This mode provides for the round-the-clock presence of guards at the post. The guards' work schedule may change, for example, in 1/2 or 1/3 shifts, which allows for the constant presence of guards.

2. 24-hour shifts (12-18 hours): In this mode, security guards work in shifts that can last from 12 to 18 hours. Schedules such as 7/7 or 15/15 are common, ensuring continuous security coverage of shift sites.

3. Day and night posts (8-14 hours): This mode provides for security work during the day and night. Work schedules can vary, for example, 5/2 or 7/7, ensuring continuous security coverage of facilities.

4. One-time events: This mode is used for temporary events such as concerts, exhibitions, sporting events and other events. Security guards may be assigned to provide security at such events.

The choice of operating mode of the security posts depends on the needs and nature of the facility, as well as the resources and budget of the client. This ensures optimal security coverage and compliance with specific requirements and circumstances.


1. Using service weapons or civilian weapons: Security guards may be armed with firearms, pneumatic or traumatic weapons, depending on the nature and level of threat at the facility.

2. Using special equipment: Such equipment may include rubber truncheons, handcuffs, body armor and other specialized equipment that helps security guards perform their duties.

3. Without weapons and special equipment: Some security guards can work without using physical weapons or special equipment, relying on their skills and experience.

4. Using equipment: Security guards can use various equipment such as radio communications, video surveillance, fire alarm systems, access control systems (ACS), metal detectors, panic buttons (PB) and photo and video recording equipment to ensure the security of the facility.

5. Using guard dogs: In some cases, security guards may have guard dogs to assist them in providing security and in the reproduction of the area of responsibility.

6. Using motor vehicles and armored vehicles: Security guards can use motor vehicles and armored vehicles to ensure security and quickly respond to threats.

The choice of weapons and equipment for security guards depends on the specific needs and level of threat at the facility, as well as on compliance with the laws and regulations of Ukraine governing security activities.


1. Engineering means of protection: This includes a variety of equipment such as fences, turnstiles, mechanized gates, barriers, locks, means of blocking and restricting the movement of vehicles, barbed wire, primary fire extinguishing means, anti-terrorist and inspection equipment.

2. Electronic and technical security systems: These include security and fire alarm systems, perimeter alarms, GSM alarms and centralized surveillance, fire extinguishing systems, notification systems, panic buttons (KTS), access control and restriction systems (ACS), intercoms, anti-theft equipment and metal detectors.

3. Communication equipment: These include radios and mobile phones, which allow for quick and effective communication between guards and security personnel.

4. Audio-photo-video recording and IP television systems: These systems provide the ability to record and monitor what is happening at the facility, as well as archiving and storing the obtained materials.

5. Information and telecommunication network security tools: These tools are designed to ensure the security of information and communications at the facility.

6. Integrated security systems: These systems combine various aspects of technical protection, providing a comprehensive approach to ensuring the security of the facility.

The choice of technical protection options depends on the specific needs and requirements of the facility, as well as compliance with the laws and regulations of Ukraine governing security activities.


Let's pay attention to administrative measures:

1. Personnel security: The effectiveness of security often depends on the reliability and professionalism of personnel, which means proper selection, training and monitoring of employees.

2. System of control, encouragement and punishment of personnel: Establishing clear rules and norms of conduct for employees, as well as a system of encouragement for good work and punishment for violations Security of residential complex Kyiv from professionals.

3. Rules for visiting the facility: Restrictions and procedures governing visitors’ access to the facility and their movement within it.

4. Internal regulations: Establishing rules and regulations governing the behavior of employees and visitors at the facility.

5. Access control system: Application of a system for checking and recording persons visiting the facility in order to ensure security.

6. Closed records management: Restricting access to confidential information and materials of the facility that may be of interest to third parties.

7. Fire prevention measures: Application of measures to prevent fires, as well as provision of effective fire safety systems.

8. Anti-criminal restrictions: Measures and rules aimed at preventing and combating criminal acts.

9. Measures for accounting and storage of inventory items: Important procedures and systems for accounting and storing goods and materials.

10. Other regime measures, rules and instructions: Additional measures and rules designed to establish the desired order and ensure the safety of the facility.

These administrative measures play an important role in ensuring the safety of facilities and emphasize the importance of proper organization of personnel and resource management.

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